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Mark Heflin, American Illustration, creative director
TROOPER, design firm
American Illustration, client
"I was asked to make an image about the year 1996, to be included in American Illustration's 25th anniversary annual. I thought a long time about the events of '96 but I just didn't have the stomach to do a nostalgia piece. It was the summer of 2005, our daughter had recently arrived, our country had gone to war based on lies, the Commander in Chief used the word ‘nuk-ya-ler’ to describe a weapon that could exterminate everything on the planet, celebrating mediocrity was the order of the day—and I was pissed. I made a list of fifteen rotten things that I wish we would have ripped out by the roots and disposed of in 1996. The names appear on the original painting, but I have removed them for this publication; I am just sick of looking at them. Here's the list: W., News Corp., Shock and Awe, Dick C., Hep C., T. Cruise, Hummer, Florida, OJ, Rove, D. Rumsfeld, Mickey Mouse Club, Newt, J. Bruckheimer."

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