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Responses by Cohere

Background: The UC Science Center’s site serves to identify the Science Center and what it offers, illustrate the powerful impact it has on the Greater Philadelphia community and inspire innovation and participating in the science and technology fields.

Highlights: The updated messaging and design. We crafted a new narrative that owns the “science” in Science Center—the idea that “we are all scientists” who follow the scientific method, no matter what industry we’re in. We also used the messaging to highlight the incredible work that the Science Center’s resident companies are doing. We reimagined the colors to be dynamic gradients, updated the typography and used photography to show different types of scientists in their environments.

Challenges: Working within the site’s existing structure. The Science Center didn’t want a total overhaul of the site; rather, it wanted to refresh the new brand elements and messaging. We worked with fellow agency P’unk Avenue for the web development, and focused on redesigning key areas, like adding a splash of brand art to the hero moment of the homepage, rather than just swapping type and colors.

Favorite details: How the updated messaging and brand identity system all work together. It can be tough to convince a large group of stakeholders on repositioning and rebranding, especially one with a 50-plus year history. The new messaging and visual design accurately reflects how the Science Center has evolved over the years. Like all entrepreneurs and innovators, the Science Center is constantly experimenting and evolving to better serve its audience.

Anything new: We learned that if the foundation is solid, you don’t always have to start from scratch. The Science Center’s website was well organized and thoughtfully laid out by P’unk Avenue, which made it easier for us to focus on how the design and messaging would resonate and work together. The result is a site that not only functions well, but also tells a story for the audience.


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