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John Liegey, art director
Mark Bernath, writer
David Apicella/Mark Bernath/John Liegey, creative directors
Adam Kimmel, director of photography
Jun Diaz, editor
Francois Vogel, director
Dana May, agency producer
Patti McConnell, executive agency producer
Paranoid Projects, production company
Ogilvy & Mather New York, ad agency
Time Warner Cable, client
"Speeding Pictures" :30 (This spot attempts to show what pictures look like when e-mailed over Roadrunner Hi-Speed. People's faces are distorted by g-force. Open on prom girl and boy. Cut to a man celebrating his 60th birthday. Cut to fisherman holding a fish. Cut to a girl. Cut to two old women. Cut to a girl holding a winning trophy. Cut to man, woman and girl. Cut to a boy with his bicycle) Anncr. (VO): Pictures have never traveled faster. Roadrunner Hi-Speed Online.

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