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Dante Zamboni, art director
Nicolas Larroquet/Adrian Rey/Aaron Zimroth, writers
Ramiro Raposo/Fernando Sosa, creative directors
Joaquin Molla/Jose Molla, chief creative officers
Guillermo Muñoz, illustrator
Ramiro Capisto, production manager
the community/la comunidad, ad agency
City of Buenos Aires, client
To improve the quality of life, it's necessary to begin by improving the way people travel. So we decided to implement the campaign Mejor en Bici (Better by Bike) to inform the public that this mode of transportation is healthy, fast, green, safe, inexpensive and accessible. The new bike stations with automatic technology reach more neighborhoods and respond to user demand by installing new infrastructure, adding more bikes and speeding up the process of withdrawal and return. The service is free and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is very easy: you register, seek a bike at the nearest station and start to enjoy a means of rapid, environmentally friendly and healthy transportation. Thanks to the campaign, 114,000 riders are using the service.

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